Eyelid Surgerey In Lahore

Eyelid surgery in Lahore

Are you searching the best surgeon of eyelid Surgery in Lahore? That’s great you are on the right place because Dr. Abdul Malik the best swollen upper eyelid, swollen lower eyelid & swollen bottom eyelid surgeon in always here to help you to correct the eye bags, dark circles of your lower eyelids, upper eyelids, puffy and tires eyes.

In eyelid surgery in Lahore it can evacuate abundance skin, muscle and fat from the upper or lower eyelids. Lower top blepharoplasty is a specialized methodology, in this respects you ought to pick an eyelid specialist who is experienced, and truly OK with all parts of eyelid medical procedure. Lahore eyelid specialist Dr. Abdul Malik will control you through the way toward settling on your choice about eyelid medical procedure or eye sack medical procedure in Lahore.

The procedure of eyelid is good for those people who are healthy and active and want their eyes more attractive and beautiful. This procedure can be used by both men and women choose this procedure to achieve:

  • It remove wrinkles from your eyes
  • It improves under eyes dark circles
  • It remove excess lid skin
  • It remove eye bags
  • It restore a more rested appearance
Eyelid Surgery In Lahore

Recovery from the eyelid surgery

The patient undergoing this surgery should expect swelling and bruising for nearly 4-6 days after operation. Usually it’s a complication free surgery but sometimes it might make the eyes tight, some might find eyes sticky or dry for initial week. But with time all these issues get settled. At home, you should try to rest as much as possible, should avoid watching television and reading. Dr. Abdul Malik prescribes pain medication, which you can use during this time.

Cost Of Eyelid Surgery In Lahore

In Lahore the cost of eyelid surgery in Lahore procedure in Pakistan depends upon whether it is performed under local anesthesia or General Anesthesia. The cost of eyelid surgery in Lahore for upper eyelid or blepharoplasty ranges from Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 75,000 thousand. Lower eyelid surgery/ eyebags surgery is between Rs:90:000 to Rs:110,000. Book an appointment @0345-4492128 for detail discussion and Dr. Abdul Malik the best plastic surgeon in Lahore will give you special discount.

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